Shared Storage using Ceph
While Docker Swarm is great for keeping containers running (and restarting those that fail), it does nothing for persistent storage. This means if you actually want your containers to keep any data persistent across restarts, you need to provide shared storage to every docker node.
Pick a master node
One of your nodes will become the cephadm "master" node. Although all nodes will participate in the Ceph cluster, the master node will be the node which we bootstrap ceph on. It's also the node which will run the Ceph dashboard, and on which future upgrades will be processed. It doesn't matter which node you pick, and the cluster itself will operate in the event of a loss of the master node (although you won't see the dashboard)
Install cephadm on master node
Run the following on the master node:
sudo apt install cephadm ceph-common
sudo mkdir -p /etc/ceph
sudo cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip
Output will show your username and password of Ceph Dashboard, better write this down.
You also need install cephadm and ceph-common on the other nodes.
Prepare other nodes
It's now necessary to tranfer the following files to your other nodes, so that cephadm can add them to your cluster, and so that they'll be able to mount the cephfs when we're done:
Path on master | Path on non-master |
/etc/ceph/ceph.conf | /etc/ceph/ceph.conf |
/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring | /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring |
/etc/ceph/ | /root/.ssh/authorized_keys (append to anything existing) |
Back on the master node, run:
sudo ceph orch host add <node-name> <node-ip>
Once for each other node you want to join to the cluster. You can validate the results by running:
sudo ceph orch host ls
Add OSDs
Now the best improvement since the days of ceph-deploy and manual disks.. on the master node, run:
sudo ceph orch apply osd --all-available-devices
This will identify any (unpartitioned, unmounted) disks attached to each participating node, and configure these disks as OSDs.
Setup CephFS
On the master node, create a cephfs volume in your cluster, by running:
sudo ceph fs volume create data
Ceph will handle the necessary orchestration itself, creating the necessary pool, mds daemon, etc.
You can watch the progress by running:
sudo ceph fs ls
To see the fs is configured run:
sudo ceph -s
Wait for HEALTH_OK
Mount CephFS volume
On every node, create a mountpoint for the data
sudo mkdir /var/data
Mount cephFS using systemd mount, since ceph mgr deployed in container and mount using fstab from cold boot sometime will not work because container not ready yet.
Create var-data.mount
sudo micro /etc/systemd/system/var-data.mount
Description=Mount CephFS docker.service
TimeoutSec= 3min
Specified OnFailure because container it's not ready yet, service helper will retry mounting cephFS until mounted.
Create ceph-mount-helper.service
sudo micro /etc/systemd/system/ceph-mount-helper.service
Description=ceph mount helper for cephFS cluster mount
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/sleep 5
ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemctl restart var-data.mount
Reload and enable service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable var-data.mount
sudo systemctl start var-data.mount
Ceph Dashboard
The dashboard will be accessible at https://ip_of_master_node:8443
Extra Options
Show Ceph Dashboard Config
sudo ceph config dump
Change Dashboard IP
sudo ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_addr NEW_IP
Change Grafana IP
sudo ceph dashboard set-grafana-api-url https://NEW_IP:3000
Change Prometheus API Host
sudo ceph dashboard set-prometheus-api-host http://NEW_IP:9095
Change Alertmanager API Host
sudo ceph dashboard set-alertmanager-api-host http://NEW_IP:9093